The Challenge of The End Time

By David Wu | Written on 2020-05-01 | Modified on 2020-07-13

The Challenge of the End Time

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a SEASON, and a TIME to every PURPOSE under the HEAVEN:

Ecclesiastes 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

The HEAVEN in the above verses is the ETERNAL HEAVEN, also called the KINGDOM of GOD, which has only a beginning but never an end. But under it, everything else has a beginning and an end: people, regions/cities, tribes, nations/kingdoms, the whole world, our planet, our Solar system, our galaxy, even the universe exploded from a dot and will collapse one day, as the BIG BANG theory found.

"End Time" consists of two words: "End" and "Time". As we discussed at the beginning, all things under the Kingdom of God will come to an end, so there must be an end time for all. Usually, we also refer to a particular period of time as a season, and from above, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 and 2, the words "time" and "season" are actually interchangeable here. Thus the End Time just means it's the LAST SEASON.

While you are in the current season, especially when it is a wonderful and comfortable one, You may unintentionally have a false sense of that this season will continue like such forever. But it is not so, but a big mistake, for GOD has decreed the opposite.

Isaiah 40:6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is GRASS, and all the goodliness thereof is as the FLOWER of the field:

Isaiah 40:7 The GRASS withereth, the FLOWER fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD BLOWETH upon it: surely the people is grass.

Isaiah 40:8 The GRASS withereth, the FLOWER fadeth: but the WORD of our God shall STAND for ever.

Grass and flower are all those things of this world: grass is ordinary without any beauty or glory, while flower is special with some beauty or glory. But both of them shall meet the bad ending when the season runs out. Only the things that are in line with the WORD of GOD could prosper through the end of current season and move on into next season.

It isn't anything unreasonable. For both current season and next season are set up by GOD for HIS PURPOSES. The former shall pave the way for the later, it is as natural as we work hard in summer to prepare for winter. If you haven't done your tasks in current season, the best bet is for you to enter next season with empty hand in shame, but more likely, you are out.

Matthew 25:29 For unto every one that HATH shall be given, and he shall have ABUNDANCE: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

Matthew 25:30 And cast ye the UNPROFITABLE servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The above are only the last two verses, it is better for you to read the whole paragraph in balance: MATTHEW 25:14 ~ 30. The story has many meanings, we will only refer one of them: the Word of GOD are the talents given us ; through our work of study, meditation, and practice on the Word of GOD, we are shaped more like Jesus; this kind of changes are the gains required by the LORD.

The current season is for us to learn and change. At its end, the LORD shall examine the changes we have gained. Those who have not changed, or even changed to wrong shapes (contrary to Jesus / the WORD of GOD), shall cry in darkness. But those have gained right shapes shall enter into the abundance of NEW JERUSALEM (no more curse, all blessing) when GOD's next season THE MILLENNIUM begins.

None (include me) is destined by GOD to enter THE MILLENNIUM as an overcomer (a title given by GOD in the Bible). However, GOD does provide all the recourses we need. The provision varies greatly according to GOD's specific purpose to a person. The only common thing is if someone loves GOD with all his strength till the end, as Jesus commanded, his victory is actually sealed in GOD.

The Mistake of the Day and Hour

However, even the true lovers of GOD make mistakes. While many stand still being lukewarm or even cold towards GOD, their zeal for GOD drives them to go too far beyond GOD's decrees: try to enter GOD's next season before the end of GOD's current season. The Great Disappointment is an example: on October 22nd, 1844, it was said some wept bitterly from midnight to the next morning.

The methods used to calculate that day are quite complex (for me), many people put lots of efforts into it. But this is exactly the work Jesus teaches us not to try, because HE knows we would like it in our nature. After 1843 passed, William Miller hesitated to give again a date in 1844. But many pushed him because of their strong desires of being with Jesus now and forever.

Mark 13:32 But of that DAY and that HOUR knoweth no man, NO, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the FATHER.

So what Miller and those with him worked diligently is actually a mission IMPOSSIBLE according to the WORD of GOD. I feel really sorry for the event: what if William Miller just continued to preach in his zeal and sincerity? How many more shall turn to GOD influenced by him? The truth of the 7th day Sabbath might be known by more churches, not like now only a handful of them.

Howbeit, GOD allowed it happened just as HE allowed a thorn on Apostle Paul. Some criticized Miller as self taught and self learned. But who taught Jesus in Galilee? No one can obtain the true knowledge of GOD without GOD's help. What is said in the Bible for John the Baptist? Though no miracle was performed, he was a TRUE witness. Same is William Miller.

The sheep of Jesus could recognize the voice of truth even before they truly understand it. (It is also true for the opposite, the goats follow the voices they like even before they think through them.) So a great mistake for a true lover of GOD is to think I know the truth before he really grasps it in depth: the direction is good and great, but the details are far from perfection.

For all the true lovers of GOD, this world is our classroom, where GOD teaches each of us how to choose GOOD and reject evil. The class time is not pleasant at all, but be patient, for the GREATEST TEACHER is here teaching. You are not allowed to excuse yourself to exit, everyone's time is set by HIM. Your life is your paper, give him the ear and write the right answers on your paper.

What kind of humbleness does the teacher ask his student? Is it not as simple as the student to keep learning? It satisfies the teacher. We have confirmed that the GREAT TEACHER does warn us against the day and hour of the End Time. But what does our TEACHER want us to do, but is neglected by many? In one word: WATCH.

In the Four Gospels and the Revelation, there are many verses teaching us to watch. Some verses warn us to watch specific things: the time, seasons, signs, the thief, our garments, the master, our work, etc. Other verses just tell us to watch and pray. Let's pick only one general verse here:


Prepare while watching

Many Christians desire to be with Jesus as quick as possible, simply because whenever it begins, all their challenges they are now facing shall disappear, all their sufferings they are now enduring shall cease, all their pains they are now bearing shall be gone. This hope does drive them to talk and discuss about the second coming of Jesus anytime and anywhere. However, the SAD truth is that the above isn't the right way for us to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. First, let's check the four gosples.

In the Gospel of Matthew, there are 75 references of the word "disciple" in 72 verses; in the Gospel of Mark, there are a 46 references of the word "disciple" in 43 verses; in the Gospel of Luke, there are 39 references of the word "disciple" in 37 verses; in the Gospel of John, there are a total of 82 references of the word "disciple" in 75 verses. There are 242 references to the word "disciples" in 227 verses, all of which refer to disciples of Jesus except for 6 of which refer to disciples of John the Baptist or the Pharisees.

Nowadays the word "Christian" is used instead. There are only a total of 3 references of the word Christian in the 22 Epistles: Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16. There is none in the Four Gospels. Accodint to Acts 11:19, at first, the Gospel was only preached to the Jews in Antioch. But later, in Acts 11:20, some started to preach to the Gentiles, who were Greeks. Then, the new strategy made significant progress, and Acts 11:21 said the belivers became a great number. Acts 11:22~24 described how Barnabas went to Antioch and helped more to be converted. In Acts 11:25~26It seems Barnabas, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, felt that the believers needed not only be preached, but also be taught, and the most suitable teacher for the Gentiles was Paul, the former Saul. Thus Apostle Paul started his ministry formally in Antioch. Since he is known for the saying: "I know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified", it is likely that Paul is related to the origin of the word "Christian".

The ancient church in Acts is admired by the morden church today. However, even in Acts, the word "disciple" are mentioned 31 times in 29 verses, still 15 times more than the word "Christian".

The Selection of Clear Information

I have been led alone by GOD in the wildness and have watched for many years. When I grow up in spirit, I do stand on the shoulders of those running before me; but now it is time for me to help those running behind me. The information of the end time of this world is tremendous and the time is running out. The writings here are very carefully selected, only those of which readers could have their clear conclusions are included.

Just like the days of school, you could copy the notes from classmates to save your time. It is solely your right to choose whose notes you may consider. However no matter how useful the notes are, it does not help you pass the exam itself, you still need to put a lot of effort into it. Otherwise, normally you cannot get the expected score.

As your fellow disciple in Christ, I will try my best to represent the information. But it is your right and duty to choose what to believe and how to react. Here is a matter of life or death, far more serious than buying which stock. Choose wisely for yourself, it is your life. You should work carefully, so you might have a house which will not crash amid the coming storms. GOD bless you.

This website is initialed right after the passover of 2020, amid the peak hours of the pandemic of Coronavirus / COVID-19. It begins with four planed posts (include this page), new posts will be added at monthly pace. As the domain name suggested, we shall have more focus on the aspect of the End Time, but all writings here are concerning the knowledge of GOD.

First, the pandemic of Coronavirus / COVID-19 is GOD's notification to the whole world about the End Time. It shall pass; for it is only a notification, not the formal events yet. But don't miss its message, because the formal events that follow will be on a completely different scale. Click here to read.

Second, the LORD of the hosts once joked to a servant of HIM: nowadays, it is quite difficult to get HIS people's attention, unless HE touched their money. Here is a vision about the America's free-market economy. But surprisingly, it is even related to the pandemic of COVID-19. In my opinion, anyone can easily find a feeling in it. Click here to read.

The End Time is like the final exam of a school year. A part of the exam that you could skip or ignore before is now the focus of the exam. A breach of the church, for which God has waited patiently, will now no longer be tolerated. This is the same breach that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden, as well as the breach of the Pharisees that Jesus faced. In the present End Time, it is fatal. Click here to read.

The Antichrist is the key question of the final exam. The reason for this is simple: the Antichrist is the false Christ, and anyone who does not recognize the false Christ, does not know the true Christ. Currently, the feverish presidential campaign is spreading across America, and Christians are throwing themselves into it, not realizing that it is actually a trap of the Antichrist, and that no matter which side you support, if you go too far, you will lose the true Christ you already have..Click here to read.


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