A Notification From GOD
- Coronavirus / COVID-19

By David Wu | Written on 2020-04-21 | Modified on 2020-05-17

Now around the whole world, someone might say I don't know GOD, but none would say I don't know this epidemic. However, this pandemic of Coronavirus / COVID-19 is sent by GOD as a forewarning to the whole world about the END TIME, which is also ordained by GOD ALMIGHTY.

Many are asking the question when the pandemic shall pass, so life could go back to the way it was. The truth is: first, this pandemic will last as long as GOD intends it to leave the mark; second, eventually it will pass, but not because GOD changes the idea, but because it is only an indication of what is to come, the storms that GOD is going to send after it are far more terrible.

Matthew 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is NIGH:

Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall SEE all these things, know that it is NEAR, even at the DOORS.

Sooner or later, some institutes or companies will announce their products as imperfect medicines or vaccines. But instead of watching such things eagerly, it is better for us to follow the above advice of Jesus, to learn the messages of GOD from this notification / pandemic. I will write what I have learned, but there should be more.

The Pandemic of COVID-19 vs The Genesis Flood

Touching the End Time of this world, many took it as offensive and said back to me: Can't you see how great is the power of modern technologies? Even the problem of global warming is solvable, we are working, hard and it is in progress; more people will join, it is in our hands.

I was also told: As for pestilence, they are problems for the undeveloped countries only, not the whole world. Black Death and Spanish Flu are history, Smallpox is no more. Our economy is growing, though glitches happen. (Wars? A little bit scary, ...)

However, the pandemic of COVID-19 turned what many find unthinkable into reality.

Problems for the undeveloped countries only? China a developing country took the lead in the total cases of COVID-19 at first, but then USA the most developed country is leading far ahead by now. As of 30 April 2020, total 251 countries in this world, only 13 have zero case: 3 are questionable, the remaining 10 are all in Oceania. It is clear, the pandemic is WORLD WIDE.
See the case list by countries.

Is this plague in our hands? On 22 January 2020, China officially announced the city wide lock-down of Wuhan, total cases was 580; after a month, on 22 March, it reached 337,705 world wide; after another month plus 5 days, on 27 April, it jumped to 3,057,280 and total deaths are 214,748. None can deny, it is an outbreak without control.
See the total cases by date here.

Economy grow with glitches? In Canada, the COVID-19 job losses have reached 3 million; 26 million Americans have filed for jobless aid; Global unemployment already at 190 million, but International Labour Organization said COVID-19 impact could lead to another 195 million job losses. No doubt, it is a disaster.
See the news here.

The pandemic of COVID-19 reminds us of the Genesis Flood: World wide too? Yes; An outburst too? Yes; A disaster too? Yes. The questions about the future of this pandemic are: How long will it take us to see a turning point? When can we get rid of it? Maybe we can find clues from the Genesis Flood in the Bible.

Timeline of the Genesis Flood
Index Month/Day Total days Description
0 02/10 7 Moved the animals into the ark first and finally themselves.
1 02/17 40 Both rain and fountains began, water rose up rapidly until it covered the highest place with 15 cubits.
2 03/27 110(150-40) Rain stopped, water started to decrease slowly by winds.
3 07/17 73(13+60) Water started to fall quicker, the ark rested on the top of Ararat.
4 10/01 40 Water continued to fall, the tops of other mountains were seen.
5 11/11 7 Water continued to fall, Noah opened the only window of the ark. Both a dove and a raven were sent, but only the dove returned.
6 11/18 7 The dove was sent again and returned with an olive leaf.
7 11/25 35(5+30) The dove was sent the 3rd time, but returned no more.
8 01/01
Next year
56(30+26) The whole cover of the ark was removed, some grounds were dry.
9 02/27
Next year
---- Most areas were dry, all went out from the ark.

When we compare God's notification, which is the pandemic of COVID-19, to the Genesis Flood, we can see many similarities in nature and timing, and we can further explore the similarities in the future: Does it take us a few months to see some cures as mountaintops were seen? Does it take more than a year for us to get rid of it completely as ground was dry? You shall get the answer by yourselves at due time.

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the DAYS of Noe, so shall it be also in the DAYS of the Son of man.

Luke 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the DAY that Noe entered into the ark, and the FLOOD came, and destroyed them all.

The Mighty Shall Cry

Usually the mighty makes the weak cry, they have the upper hand. But before GOD, the power of this world will no longer produce any difference. The table below was the top ten countries from worldometers.info (You need scroll down to see its list) at 1:46 PM, April 21, 2020 PDT.

Country Total Cases Total Deaths Cases/1M Deaths/1M
World 2,545,769 176,860 327 22.7
USA 813,589 45,013 2,458 136
Spain 204,178 21,282 4,367 455
Italy 183,957 24,648 3,043 408
France 158,050 20,796 2,421 319
Germany 148,226 5,024 1,769 60
UK 129,044 17,337 1,901 255
Turkey 95,591 2,259 1,133 27
Iran 84,802 5,297 1,010 63
China 82,758 4,632 57 3
Russia 52,763 456 362 3

A non-Christian might see nothing special of the table, but it should be obvious for a Christian: the top group in red are six STRONGEST CHRISTIAN countries on the world; the second group is two STRONGEST MUSLIM countries in this world; the third group is two STRONGEST GENTILE countries of the whole world.

Why does GOD make the mighty worse than the weak in this pandemic of COVID-19 which is HIS notification? Foremost, because it is written so for the coming formal day, which is called the GREAT DAY of GOD in the Bible.

Zephaniah 1:14 The GREAT DAY of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the DAY of the LORD: the MIGHTY man shall CRY there BITTERLY.

Zephaniah 1:15 That DAY is a DAY of wrath, a DAY of trouble and distress, a DAY of wasteness and desolation, a DAY of darkness and gloominess, a DAY of clouds and thick darkness,

Zephaniah 1:16 A DAY of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.

Amid this pandemic, you should have heard the top ten cry, but not bitterly. Again, this is only a notification, not the formal events of the GREAT DAY of GOD. In that day, which is also called the Great Tribulation, as what is written in the Bible, so shall it be done.

GOD is not against the strength of the mighty, but their sins. And the weak sin too, so both the mighty and the weak shall receive punishment. However, the mighty may think they can get rid of the hand of GOD by their strength, but the weak usually don't have such luxury.

Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the MIGHTY men, and every BONDMAN, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

Revelation 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Revelation 6:17 For the GREAT DAY of his wrath is come; and WHO shall be able to stand?

So according to the above verses, in the GREAT DAY of GOD, both the mighty and the weak shall meet GOD's wrath because of sin. Who shall deliver himself out of the HAND of GOD?

Moreover, many don't believe there is a day when life in this world will have no fun. But now everyone should have seen how easy for GOD to cut fun from our life.

Isaiah 24:7 The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merryhearted do SIGH.

Do people SIGH in quarantine? Yes.

Isaiah 24:8 The mirth of tabrets CEASETH, the noise of them that rejoice ENDETH, the joy of the harp CEASETH.

Are many entertainment events canceled? Yes.

Isaiah 24:10 The city of confusion is broken down: every HOUSE is SHUT UP, that NO man may COME IN.

Can people visit each other as they did before? No.

Isaiah 24:11 There is a CRYING for wine in the streets; all joy is DARKENED, the mirth of the land is GONE.

Now amid the pandemic of COVID-19, the fun of our life is just cut lightly. But in the coming GREAT DAY of GOD, it shall be cut thoroughly. No fun left, even for the person of the Antichrist and his followers, who will sit in power in the day of the Great Tribulation.

False Security of Christians

We have regarded three groups of the strongest countries as a whole, but what if now we compare them to each other? According to the total cases of COVID-19, the six strongest CHRISTIAN countries are worse than the two strongest MUSLIM countries, the two strongest MUSLIM countries are worse than the two strongest GENTILE countries; furthermore, the strongest CHRISTIAN country, USA, which is also the most powerful country in the whole world, is the worst, far beyond any other countries.

What honest conclusion can we make here? These greatest Christian countries are not only losing the protection of GOD they once had, but instead getting the plagues sent by GOD. Before the End Time, there were some countries that did serve the good will of GOD in some periods. In the End Time, no more such thing, Jesus shall bring the kingdom down to the earth, not using any earthly kingdom.

On the other hand, it is also a sign of the End Time: for it is necessary to bring all the powers of earthly kingdoms to their knees. Only after every bit of these powers come to naught, then shall the MILLENNIUM begin: during this period, the kingdom of GOD shall rule the whole earth for a thousand years.

Now is the critical time for Christians to wake up from false security and false confidence, especially the Christians in the USA. GOD bless Christianity, GOD bless USA, is it still true? Only as individuals; for GOD will never deny a person's own relationship with HIM, because of the wickedness of those around this person. The story of Lot is such an example.

In the beginning of the pandemic, such measures like wearing mask, quarantine, social distance, and lock-down met much resistance in the wealthy western countries. One of the reasons (not all of them) is many Christians believed they were protected by GOD, such pestilence shall not contaminate them.

But a high servant of GOD recently got an advice from THE LORD of THE HOSTS (not original words): Except pray much and seek my guidance, all shall have the chances to be burned by this virus. At this point, many brothers and sisters in Christ shall shout aloud to me: "False", and then go ahead to quote a famous verse below.

Psalms 91:1 He that DWELLETH in the SECRET place of the MOST HIGH shall ABIDE under the SHADOW of the ALMIGHTY.

The protection of GOD is wonderful and more than enough, but many Christians failed to notice its CONDITION: "DWELLETH in the SECRET place of the MOST HIGH", which mean you should have a private independent daily relationship with GOD in your life. Think for yourself, whether the full text of the statement of faith, you know published online by your denomination, is enough to be called the SECRET place of the MOST HIGH.

Once I attended a church service, one sister at thirty years of age witnessed how GOD taught her several things. One was when she asked questions about the End Time, and THE LORD said if she went into her closet to pray, then HE would give her some information. The speech was wonderful, the audience gave applause. At the end, the sister announced another prayer meeting and invited everyone present. The atmosphere was quite exciting.

I'm not sure if you can see the problem above: human beings are always trying to take what we think good to replace what GOD says good, and continue calling it a great service/sacrifice to GOD. It is clear, the first word of Psalms 91 is "He" SINGULAR, not plural. You can not sit and pray with another person on the same pew, and meanwhile expect the reward of GOD FATHER promised by Jesus as below.

Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou PRAYEST, enter into thy CLOSET, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy FATHER which is in SECRET; and thy FATHER which seeth in SECRET shall REWARD thee OPENLY.

It isn't my trick concerning the first word of Psalms 91. It is what our teacher Jesus commands us. Psalms 91 in its entirety is exactly the kind of the OPEN rewards from GOD FATHER, which is promised by the teaching of Jesus: is it still not OPEN enough? When a thousand shall fall at thy side, ten thousand at thy right hand?

Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

The above verse starts with GOD addressed the people of Israel with plural(people), but when touching how to hide from indignation, GOD changed all HIS references to SINGULAR(thou,thy,thee,thyself). The truth is: at the End Time, GOD requires everyone seeking HIS PROTECTION to find it individually: you make your own choice for your own life, it is NOT a group action.

Countermeasures of COVID-19

Even the countermeasures of COVID-19 are delivering a spiritual message: quarantine, social distance, and lock-down. Christians have spent too much time in group lessons, now is time to start your own private lesson, for what GOD wants is an individual relationship with you. Try to read the Bible(KJV) by yourself, to yourself and for yourself with prayer and meditation. Don't let others read the Bible for you. In the end, it shall not work and you will cry, just like a failed student who doesn't do his own homework.

Some see Jesus as a day care worker, some see Jesus as a teacher. But as it goes deeper into the End Time, all day care will be revoked and only schools there. But in schools, there are not just annoying homeworks, but also scary exams. The exam once Adam and Eve failed, now God has put in front of the new ones in Christ. There is an opportunity to waive the exam, but that is for outstanding students already in school, not for children in day care. Please refer to the following verse.

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the HOUR of TEMPTATION, which shall come upon ALL the world, to TRY them that dwell upon the earth.

When it comes to reading the Bible by yourself, some will say that I can’t understand it, but in fact you can definitely understand part of it. The only one who can understand all is Jesus. But Jesus specifically clarifies this point: God does not set a score line, as long as you try your best, you can pass, and this is also the meaning of the FIRST COMMANDMENT of Jesus.

Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the FIRST COMMANDMENT.

However, by no means, the part you understand could be enough, you still must learn from others, that is also required of you by the FIRST COMMANDMENT (otherwise, you still not try your best). But when learning from someone else, you have to distinguish carefully: because all the answers on your paper, whether you mean it or from others, you alone are accountable for. It is completely useless to argue this is someone else's fault, and the first example of such failure is Adam and Eve. There will be a link here for the original failure of Adam and Eve, please check back later.

And the key to distinguishing the things of others is the part you read and understand; without this part as a basis, you can only try your luck. However, when you have finished distinguishing and digesting the things of others, it also becomes a part that you understand. With this expanded foundation, you can check more the things of others. Do this repeatedly, this is the right attitude for a student, even more for a disciple of Christ. About reading the Bible, there will also be a link here, please check back later.